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The Simple, Speedy & Efficient, Next.js Boilerplate
Analyzed the Best, Enhanced the Rest, with everything you need to build a modern SaaS
Build your app instantly, launch fast, earn more $
Setup authentication, process payments, emails instantly. Spend time building your product, not the plumbing. ZexaNext provides you with the boilerplate you need to launch, FAST !!
- Beautiful login and signup forms with social login options
- Seamless OAuth integration with Google, GitHub, and more
- Forgot password functionality for easy account recovery
- Secure email and password authentication with verification
- Time saved: 10 hours
You don't need to code everything yourself
Everything you see below is already built for you. A streamlined solution to help you get started quickly.
User Authentication
User login, registration, forgot password, email confimation ready to use.
Powered by Auth.js
PostgreSQL + Prisma ORM - Perfect scalable combo
Powered by Prisma
Responsive Landing Page
Fully responsive landing page with dark mode.
Styled with TailwindCSS
Send emails with Resend and get DNS setup to avoid spam folder.
Powered by Resend
Payments and Subscriptions
Monetise your app with Stripe billing & checkout system, webhooks, and more...
Powered by Stripe
SEO and Performance
SEO and performance optimized out of the box. No extra work needed.
Powered by Next.js SSR
SEO-optimized, MDX-based blog to help your site rank higher.
Powered by MDX
Write and publish your product documentation with ease.
Powered by MDX
Tailwind CSS + Framer Motion
Animated responsive components with Tailwind CSS and Framer Motion.
Powered by TailwindCSS
Track user behaviour and site performance with Google Analytics.
Powered by Google Analytics
Dark Mode
Toggle between light and dark mode, ready to use design template.
Powered by TailwindCSS
Design System
Consistent design system with reusable components and utility classes.
Powered by shadcn/ui
Save time and money with ZexaNext
One price for all features and unlimited projects.
- Next.js 14 boilerplate
- TypeScript
- Tailwind CSS & shadcn/ui
- Stripe payments
- Email integration
- Animated UI Components
- Email and password authentication
- Markdown-based blog and docs
- Social Logins (Google, Github, etc.)
- Access to all future updates
Frequently Ask Questions
Save time, launch fast, earn more with ZexaNext
Save hours of repetitive code, focus on your product, launch faster with ZexaNext.
Buy Now for 99$