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Most of the products have a documentation page to help users understand the product better. ZexaNext provides a simple way to create and manage your documentation using .mdx files.

To create a new blog post, follow these steps: `

  1. Create a new .mdx file in the content/docs directory.
  2. Include the following metadata at the top of the file:
title: Getting started with ZexaNext
description: Getting started in just 5 minutes
date: 2024-03-06
published: true

After the metadata section, you can write your documentation content using markdown syntax.

In this example, the docs will be available at http://localhost:3000/docs/file-name.

All the documentation files are organised in docs sidebar. You can navigate to the documentation pages using the sidebar. The content list of the sidebar is defined in config/docs.ts file.

The http://localhost:3000/docs page is redirected to the first documentation page introduction.mdx by default. You can change this behavior by modifying app/middleware.ts.

// Docs redirect
if (nextUrl.pathname === "/docs") {
  return Response.redirect(new URL("/docs/introduction", nextUrl));