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Google OAuth

Google OAuth

ZexaNext uses Auth.js for authentication. To setup Google OAuth in ZexaNext

  1. Create a new project on Google Cloud
  2. Go to APIs & Services then Credentials
  3. Click on [Configure Consent Screen]
  4. Fill in all the info. Add and userinfo.profile to scope. Add yourself as a test user.
  5. Submit
  6. Go to Credentials and click "Create Credentials", then "OAuth Client ID"
  7. Select "Web Application"
  8. Add http://localhost:3000 and to Authorized JavaScript Origins.
  9. Add http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/google and to Authorized redirect URLs.
  10. Click Submit
  11. Copy and paste the Client ID and Client Secret into the .env file:
# for Google Sign up
  1. Go to "OAuth Consent Screen" and click "Publish App".

Google might request you to verify your domain in Google Search Console. It requires you to configure a CNAME or TXT DNS record.

  1. Open config/index.ts and set google in OAuthOptions to true to show Google OAuth in the login page.
const OAuthOptions = {
  google: true,
  github: false

You can already login with Google on localhost. On production, it will work too but show a warning until you're verified (takes a few days).