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Landing Page

Landing Page

Let's build a beautiful landing page using ZexaNext.

  1. If you haven't already, clone the ZexaNext repository and run the server locally. See the Getting Started guide for more information.

  2. Delete the existing content in the /app/page.tsx file and paste this.

import { Hero } from "@/components/landing/hero";
import { FAQ } from "@/components/landing/faq";
import { Footer } from "@/components/landing/footer";
import { Pricing } from "@/components/landing/pricing";
import { TestimonialSmall } from "@/components/landing/testimonial-small";
import { TestimonialMedium } from "@/components/landing/testimonial-medium";
import { Customers } from "@/components/landing/customers";
import { FeaturesGrid } from "@/components/landing/features-grid";
import CTA from "@/components/landing/cta";
import { FeaturesListicle } from "@/components/landing/features-listicle";
import { FeaturesAccordian } from "@/components/landing/features-accordian";
export default function Home() {
  return (
    <div className="flex flex-col h-full items-center justify-center w-full">
      <Hero />
      <Customers />
      <FeaturesListicle />
      <FeaturesGrid />
      <Pricing />
      <TestimonialSmall />
      <FAQ />
      <FeaturesAccordian />
      <TestimonialMedium />
      <CTA />
      <Footer />